Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Siemens Announces Mobile Phone Search Engine

Mobile technology giant Siemens has announced their plans to introduce a mobile phone search engine function. The search engine that will be integrated was developed by MotionBridge, a French start up funded by Siemens.

According to an article that appeared in PC World, the search engine will work with all mobile Web standards. These modes consist of WAP, i-mode, and UMTS. Siemens goal is to have search engine improve mobile web use by 50-70%, meaning users will be able to access sites that much faster when using Siemens’ search technology.

Another feature is when users enter a name of a popular web presence like Amazon, they will be taken directly to the site, instead of a search results page. The system will also feature an automatic correction tool to deal with typographical errors.

PC World gave the example of a user typing in “weater”. Siemens’ search function would offer suggestions of what the user may have meant, much like Google and Yahoo do.

With this system users will also be able to enter numbers that correspond to letters to perform searches. For instance, instead of typing the word “travel”, users can just enter the appropriate numbers (872835 for travel) and the correction tool will infer what the user meant.

The search function will also feature a statistical program that will keep track of keywords searched and provide the user with the 20 most frequent. Siemens search has already been deployed in Europe and can be used by 75 million users.

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