Friday, October 18, 2024

Should You Write and Submit Articles To eZines?

Recent figures indicate that over 44 million people surfed the net in the past week and over 5 billion pages were viewed by those individuals. More than likely by the time you read this article, the figures will have increased. That should give you some indication as to whether or not your should write and submit articles to eZines. If you are eager to broaden your horizons by attracting new clientele, informative writing presented on a popular eZine is a must.

The process of writing and submitting articles to eZines has proven to be an extremely fulfilling and satisfying strategy particularly when it is done with the appropriate intention. The key to writing good articles and having them accepted is very basic. Make sure that you are sharing valuable information with your readers and are not merely trying to sell your product or service. The importance of writing articles is to demonstrate your credibility and professionalism and should not just be used as a means to promote your business.

Posting an article on an eZine not only provides you with an opportunity to inspire others with significant information, but it allows you to demonstrate your skill without propaganda. No one wants to do business with those who are aggressively pushing their service or product. There’s a lot more to success than just making money and more often than not when you are sincere in your offering, it naturally leads to numerous connections.

There is a natural phenomena called giving and receiving. In order to receive you have to prime the pump by giving. If you find your business a bit blocked and you’re not attracting the clientele you’re after, try giving. You’ll be amazed at how quickly things turn around once you share yourself from a more giving place. What better way than to write an informative article that may help someone else realize their goals?

Write about a subject that motivates you. Everyone is doing something that can help another at some level. Focus on your particular subject of choice and it will empower the reader. For instance, if you are a web designer, give something away that enriches someone else’s life. Share a secret you’ve discovered or explain a method that others are not aware of. You’ll be amazed at the result.

eZine publications are primarily seeking articles with attention-grabbing information. Readers of eZines are seeking dynamic, informative discoveries. The majority of eZine visitors are busy and not interested in reading a lengthy online article but want to find something that enhances their business and their lives quickly. When an eZine publisher chooses an article they do so by deciding whether it will draw attention and offer valuable insight. Make sure your article can capture an audience immediately. In addition highlight areas of interest by occasionally using upper case letters especially if you want to gain attention to that particular subject.

Take advantage of this awe-inspiring treasure house we call an eZine for it can have a profound and lasting effect on your life and your business. Employ honesty when sharing your information, write about a subject that you enjoy, give something away of value and most of all utilize this phenomenon to its fullest extent. The world has truly become a very small place now that we are all Internet savvy.

Charlene Rashkow brings 15 years of experience as a Writing Stylist and Author to her creative efforts as a freelance business writer/consultant. She has successfully helped companies and individuals reach their objectives by writing outstanding press releases, bios, articles of interest, business plans, resumes, web site content and all other forms of marketing material. To speak with Charlene you may contact her at or write her at You can also call her directly at (310) 514-4844

Charlene Rashkow Answers Content Questions: Click Here For Free Answers

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