Thursday, September 19, 2024

SheZoom follows Shine in women's footsteps

First stated an interest in being more female-focused. Yahoo followed that up with Shine, which formally launched today, and video site SheZoom announced its debut as the first video site for women.

Sorry guys, but they’ve figured it out. It’s time to move on to a brighter, better, and more financially in-tune demographic.

Sites of varying sizes and influence reached out to women, especially those who make the financial decisions, with content and ads to match. It’s a prudent move, one that is receiving more play from those with aspirations to online success.

We heard from SheZoom about their debut, and the lineup of talent contributing to the video voice of their content:

Aiming to tap into the excitement of video and speak to women in an intelligent and respectful, but bold voice, the programming features experts in fields such as weight loss, fashion, finance, food, parenting and technology. Experts include: Dr. Lou Aronne, Director of the Comprehensive Weight Control Center affiliated with New York Presbyterian Hospital and an internationally recognized obesity expert; Julie Ross, a four-time author and parenting expert; Greg Harper, CEO and Founder of Cerberus, a leading technology consulting and design firm; and former West Coast Editor of Wine Spectator and current winemaker Jeff Morgan, along with Jodie Morgan, his life partner and co-author of The Working Parents Cookbook.

Guys haven’t been left out entirely, however. A feature video running currently presents an interview with Lord of the Rings actor Elijah Wood. Fans may share or embed the videos found on SheZoom, so other Frodo enthusiasts can appreciate Wood’s views on fashion. For whatever reason, big hairy Hobbit feet weren’t discussed.

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