Thursday, September 19, 2024

Shaddow Domain Peer Review – Too Cluttered

Re: Shadow Domain… here’s my comments for what they’re worth…

  • Offer something for free, even if it’s only a picture for the kids to colour in – perhaps hide it on one of the pages to make me look through the site. Change it regularly. Or include a humour page where visitors could contribute appropriate jokes.
  • Navigation is a royal pain – having to go back to the main page to then get to the next set of products is really off-putting. How about some links from one product page to the next/previous?
  • It would help if some of the pages had a few more products on them or were combined together. Some pages look like the empty shelves of a shop on the verge of bankruptcy.
  • There’s too much stuff on the main page – message board, survey, counters, guestbook etc etc – much of this should be on another page – perhaps called “community” or something. At the moment the start
    page is just too messy – like an over-decorated Christmas Tree. Keep it simple.
  • Can you “add to shopping basket” between pages? (I didn’t dare try in case I ended up buying something!)
  • What is that picture at the top of the main page all about? – looks like an amateur snapshot of a dead bat (or was that the intention?). Remove or replace!
  • I’m not usually a great fan of over-animated websites but this one is crying out for something like swooping bats and howling wolves when you first arrive.

Gordon L. Hewstone B.Scm, Law Practice Manager,

Peer reviewers volunteer their time and effort to help other site owners with their websites. Please take time to visit this reviewer’s site and say that you think what they’re doing is valuable to the web business community. If you’d like your site reviewed, send an email to

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