Thursday, September 19, 2024

Set Yourself Up To Be Successfully Focused

Being focused and successful requires structure, a supportive framework. It’s similar to the poles which successfully hold up the canvas of a tent. Without the required poles there wouldn’t be enough structure to successfully create the tent. You too need to put in place sufficient structure to support your goals and dreams.

The amount of structure required in your life, business or career will vary for each individual. Some people will require more structure, others less. When you define the end result you’re looking for, you can put the structure in place to support this. Continuously evaluate the results that are or aren’t showing up, enabling you to make the necessary changes to your structure. Keep playing and experimenting until you find the structure that best supports you.

Structure enables you to organize yourself and use your time effectively to support you in accomplishing the things you want. A clear structure still allows for plenty of freedom and flexibility, without just drifting or being pulled all over the place.

There are two areas of being focused around which you need to create structure. One is for the things that prevent you being focused, such as the little things you need to complete. The first step is to be aware of these by consistently asking yourself “What’s preventing me from being focused?” and then create a structure to handle this. If for instance you’re often distracted by getting behind with your personal or business accounts, perhaps you need to structure 15 minutes per day on it, or always put your receipts in a specific place so they’re to hand when you need them.

The second entails creating a structure for your focused activities. It’s all very well knowing what you want to focus on but the critical part is taking action. There are many ways of adding structure and you’ll need to experiment to find out what’s right for you. Part of the structure may entail scheduling specific times so you know what you’re committed to doing and when. Although I love writing, I can easily go through a day without doing any if I don’t make a commitment to myself to write. Part of your structure may entail being accountable to someone else. Particularly if this is someone you’ve chosen, trust and you know has your best interests at heart, a great energy is created. This may be a coach, a friend or a work colleague. Perhaps your structure includes the amount of time allocated to a particular activity. For me (and I’ve found this with many people) 15-20 minutes of focused activity is the maximum before I start to be ineffective, think of other things or just drift. Devoting shorter chunks of my time more often, achieves more. Part of your structure may include short breaks. Perhaps 1 minute visualizing your ideal day or getting out of your chair and moving around may help.

Structure can be created by setting intentions. You could set your intention to focus first thing in the morning or for each of your focused activities. Creating your structure needs to take into account your energy levels and your best times of day to carry out certain activities. When in the day are you most alert or creative? These are the times you need to carry out the activities required. However, there may be things you do when you don’t need to be at your best. Why not do these at times of lower energy, perhaps mid-afternoon?

Creating structure allows you to set yourself up to be successfully focused. To discover what structure you personally need, ask yourself regularly “In what way is this structure supporting me?” and “What structure could be more supportive to me?” Listen to your own answers and choose a course of action based on your responses. After all, when you truly listen to yourself, you’ll know what’s best for you and what it will take to be focused.

Wendy Hearn works with business owners, professionals and executives to discover and unlock their own inspiration, to effortlessly take the actions required to have the success they desire. To receive Wendy’s free newsletter, send an email to: Copyright 2003, Wendy Hearn. All rights reserved.

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