Thursday, September 19, 2024

SES – Day 1 Wrap up

I’m sitting in the final session of the day, Searcher Behavior Research Update, and I’ve completely zoned out. It’s not that the session isn’t interesting, to be honest, I don’t know if it is or not. I’m just brain-full. I can’t take anymore. I’m done. Good thing Rob and Diana are off in some other session diligently taking notes.

So here I am, skimming through my feed reader, and figured now is a good time to write up a wrap up post for the day’s events. It’s been good.

We are noticing our shirts are getting a lot of pointings and kudos. They’ve made great conversation starters… and not by us trying to make conversation about ourselves… others are starting conversations with us. Score one for the Pole Position Marketing team!

The shirts were also how my buddy Natasha “That Girl From Marketing” Robinson found me. We met, mid-session, briefly, but now I know her. We’ll hook up later in the week when we get a chance.

Later I took Matt McGee to lunch and we also hooked up with David Wallace. That was fun. Good friends, good fun. Good lunch, too. We plan on hooking up for dinner later this evening. Hey Matt, since lunch was on me, you got the dinner check right?

I’ve made it a point to try and meet people before each session, which has been fun. I sit next to someone and start up a conversation. So far I’m met peeps from Shopzilla, Web Advantage and Clickpath.

I’m watching the guy from Google speak with his hands. Oh, he uses words too, but he really likes his hands. His presentation looks interesting and I wish I was paying attention. Oh, crap, we’re only 34 minutes into this thing… I was hoping we were winding down. There is a growing smell in here that I just don’t want to know where it’s coming from. I’m certain it’s not me, or at least I’m mostly certain. I think it’s a combination of hundreds of bodies packed into a room with little air circulation. Not a good combination. OMG, my eyes are starting to water.

Seriously folks. I. Got. To. Go.



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