Saturday, October 5, 2024

SEO Pressure on B2B Companies

Oneupweb published a research study showing that 46 percent of BtoB Magazine’s Top 100 Advertisers showed only nominal search engine optimization or ignored it all together.

Most importantly, the study shows that well-optimized sites placed better in search engine results. Ignoring the importance of placing well in search engine results can have critical effects: lost sales, stalled lead generation, increased marketing costs, tighter profit margins and stagnant reputations. The free study is currently available on Oneupweb’s home page.

“B2B companies cannot rely on a company car and a sample case for sales-they must generate leads,” says Oneupweb President Lisa Wehr. “Businesses search for answers on the Internet and business-to-business sales relationships start with an exchange of information.”

With this study in hand, Oneupweb recommends marketers examine their own marketing mix and set aside a good portion of resources for natural search engine optimization strategies. As the study points out, four market trends will converge, putting more and more pressure on business-to-business (B2B) companies to use search engine marketing. Plus, optimization done well provides ongoing measurable sales and lead generation results for the long term.

“I can’t imagine the business owner, CEO or director of marketing that types his company’s primary key words into a search engine and doesn’t expect to be there,” says Wehr. “That’s even more puzzling when you look at what these companies spend in traditional advertising. SEO proves its value. Spend a dollar; get $50 back or a $100, or even $1000. And the results can be tracked accurately.”

Oneupweb also published two previous search engine optimization usage studies, analyzing FORTUNE Magazine’s top 100 global companies and Internet Retailer Magazine’s top 100 e-retailers from its Top 300 Guide. In comparison, the BtoB Magazine list had more companies with well-optimized sites (19 companies) than both the Fortune 100 (9 companies) and the Internet Retailer (12 companies) lists.

This third study is the most comprehensive, reviewing the best use of pay-per-click (PPC) advertising and how many companies are paying for advertising coverage on search engines that they could get free through natural optimization. Oneupweb takes into account the B2B climate where longer sales cycles often put lead generation at the top of the marketing department’s priorities.

“While the number of well-optimized sites is improved over previous studies,” explains Wehr, “we’re stunned that more than 45 percent of these B2B leaders are ignoring SEO completely or using it so badly it appears accidental.”

Oneupweb plans to repeat this study next year.

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