Thursday, September 19, 2024

SEO Blog Power Revisited

Blogs are still a mystery to many people. When hearing about blogs, many people still equate them with personal online diaries, or the high profile political blogs.

That dichotomy doesn’t seem to include business blogs.

Since the mainstream news media tends to simplify most things they report, it makes sense that blogs would receive the same treatment. As a result, the media tends to only acknowledge the personal diary or the political blog.

Obviously, the business blogger need not apply.

Along with the lack of mainstream media understanding of the many different varieties of blogs, is a lack of awareness of how powerful blogs can be in the search engines.

My recent blog post entitled “Blogs equal SEO power in searches“, which was reprinted in the widely read search engine optimization and search engine marketing news site (this site) Murdok and the search forum WebProWorld opened a lot of eyes. The SEO blog power was simply unknown.

After all, the marketing, public relations, and SEO strengths of blogs are seldom reported in the mainstream news media. Business blogs rarely make a news appearance at all.

In that widely read and commented article, I wrote:

By way of an SEO blog example, here are some search results for Blog Business World for uber competitive keywords.

We’ll examine the search for the two word phrase “business world” without the quotes.

On Google, this blog ranks #8 out of an incredibly mind boggling 158,000,000 returns. You read that correctly. 158 million search results.

Okay, I’m not number on on page one. Of course, ranking just behind the BBC and the World Bank isn’t too shabby.

Those search result numbers woke up many readers to the idea of how a blog could raise the profile of their business or organization.

My visitor counter totals exploded upon publication of my Murdok article.

Internet users want to find out about the SEO blog secrets.

Obviously, the concept of business blogs and their SEO value is of interest to most internet marketers. Whether they are looking for passive internet income, or are marketing a brick and mortar company, a business blog can provide local and world wide search engine exposure.

While there might be room for debate of the importance of the search results, the fact still remains that my blog was on the first page of Google. Many far wealthier organizations, with expensively designed traditional websites, ranked behind my little blog.

Whatever they are paying for their SEO efforts is not yielding the same results that a blog receives.

For free!

Gaining higher search engine rankings, for your most important search terms, results in more visits. By having well written sales and marketing copy on your site when those visitors arrive, equals higher sales revenue.

That is money in your pocket.

I consider strong cash flow to be important for a successful business.

That extra traffic can be added with higher search engine placement in Google, Yahoo,, Ask Jeeves, and MSN Search, to name only a few.

As you now are fully aware, a blog can achieve those powerful search engine results.

SEO blogs for business?

You bet they work!

Wayne Hurlbert provides insigtful information about marketing, promotions, search engine optimization and public relations for websites and business blogs on the popular Blog Business World.

Check out Blog Business World for yourself.

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