Thursday, February 27, 2025

Send Flash via E-mail


Sending Flash through email using Microsoft Outlook and Internet Explorer is quite simple. Build your Flash page as you would any other page. Insert it into your HTML and upload it to your server. When you build the HTML page be sure that you use the absolute URL

( like… rather than just /file.swf)

because when you send it via email the email client that receives your Flash movie needs to know where to download your movie.

After you’ve uploaded your movie and the HTML page, open Microsoft Outlook. Go to “Tools” then down to “Options”. This will pop up an options menu. Within that menu, look at the tabs on the top and click on “Mail Format”. Now you should have 3 options: Message Format, Stationary and Fonts, and Signature. The only one that we will be working with is Message Format.

Under Message Format, there should be a drop down menu that says, “Send in this message format”. Click on the drop down menu and make sure you click “HTML”. Once HTML is selected, hit the ‘OK” button at the bottom of the dialog box.

Now you’re ready to send your Flash movie via email.

Go to the URL of the page that you want to send in Internet Explorer. Once the page is loaded go to File-> Send-> Page by Email. If all of your settings are correct, an email will pop up with the HTML embedded in the body. Now, to test your movie…send it to yourself, because some HTML pages tend to look messed up before you send, but once they are sent they look fine.

These movies will work in any email client that accepts the Flash plug in.

Now, GO SEND Flash MOVIES!!!

Having created the outlines for FlashNewz and FLADownloads, John has become a strong voice in the Flash Community. His reviews and tutorials give great insight and knowledge to readers around the world. He has a keen eye for what’s hot and what’s not in the Flash world. He has also developed and continues to run his own flash portal as a side project to keep his mind on the Flash community

Being a key designer for advertising creative, he’s got style when it comes to grabbing readers attention. With a proven track record, there isn’t much this guy can’t handle.

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