Thursday, September 19, 2024

Self-Destructing Video Email

Have you ever had an entertaining video of yourself that you wanted to share with a friend through email but were not comfortable with the possibility that it could end up on YouTube for the world to see? A video that may be funny to your group of friends but beyond that would cause serious embarrassment if made public and leave you contemplating the rest of your life in a monastery.

There is a new service that allows users to control when and if they would want a video email to self destruct instead of sitting in some ones inbox or being forwarded to the wrong person. BigString Corporation has announced the beta release of video email that can be programmed to destruct after a certain number of viewings or a set time.

“This self-destructing feature allows individuals and companies to maintain control of their intellectual property,” stated Darin Myman, President and CEO of BigString Corporation. For individuals it can prevent the forwarding of personal videos that can become embarrassing fodder for the Internet. Entertainment companies and musicians can now send a once-viewable video of a performance or song. Videos that are time sensitive can be set to self-destruct at a specific time or day.”

Five-minute video emails can be uploaded directly from a video camera or computer without having to use downloads.

The company also has an email service that allows users to recall, erase or self-destruct email. In addition pictures and emails can be rendered non-printable or non-savable.

This service may not be for everyone but if you are highly paranoid or a government official you may want to check it out.

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Mike is a staff writer for Murdok. Visit Murdok for the latest ebusiness news.

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