Thursday, September 19, 2024

Search engines – Pay for ranking

Pay for ranking search engines are a highly effective way to attract inexpensive, targeted traffic to your website. Traditional search engines require you to submit your website, and then may take anywhere from several weeks to many months to list your website. And, there are no guarantees that your site will appear anywhere on the first 1000 pages!

The ever increasing popularity of paid search engine listings is due to the fact that you can obtain a top ten listing in anywhere from a few minutes to a few days depending on the search engine.

After you have established your account and been approved, you can generally add new keywords or increase your bid and see instant results.

The way it works is that you bid on a per-click amount that you are willing to pay for each click to your website. As an example if you want to list well for Beanie Babies on, you can get a number one listing for $.61, and a number ten listing for $.27 (as of this writing.)

If you are content with a listing on the first page you can do that for about $.06.

Keep in mind that anyone else can outbid you at anytime, so if you are wanting to keep a top listing you will need to monitor the activity quite frequently.

The most successful way to use these types of search engines is to come up with many, many different keywords and keyword combinations. The reason for this is that you will be able to get some of the keywords very inexpensively, but also because your potential customers my type in phrases or misspell words that many other webmasters won’t think about.

Many of these keywords can be purchased for as low as $.01 per click. It may take you many days or even weeks for some of these keywords to even get used, but the fact of the matter is that you have a potential customer on your site, and it only cost you a penny! is generally known as one of the oldest and probably most popular of these types of search engines, and possibly gets the most traffic.

The problem with Goto is that because of its popularity and high traffic, the more popular keywords command a high price for a decent listing. Some keywords costing several dollars and higher just for one click. This can eat into your advertising budget very quickly.

To help those of us with a little less money to throw away, there are now many more of these pay for ranking search engines available. A couple of my favorites are:



Search Hound




Keep in mind that these are gaining in popularity very quickly as well, so you better get an account going and start enjoying that inexpensive, targeted traffic before the bids go through the roof on them as well.

Chuck McCullough is the author of a new ebook titled: “Affiliate Mistakes: Maximizing Your Profits From Affiliate Programs!” Get your free Email Course at:

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