Friday, September 20, 2024

Search Engine Strategies Conference: Day 1

In wrapping up the first day of the SES Conference, I have for you a brief summary of all the articles that have been written so far. We have had lots of interesting information coming in from the conference, and hopefully no one has missed any of it. If that isn’t the case don’t worry, I’ve taken care of you.

Search Engines Strategies Conference: Day 1SES Conference: Day 1
Below is the list of the recent articles that have been submitted by our Murdok reporters at the conference.

Next Up For The SES
Today was a big day for the SES: San Jose. A lot of topics were covered and participants had a lot of fun but Tuesday promises to be bigger and better with even more events planned.

The day will open with a keynote conversation with Steve Berkowitz, CEO and director of AskJeeves. He’s going to talk with Danny Sullivan Jeeves’ place in the search industry and how they are growing.

KnowledgeStorm Readying Vertical Search Engine
Chris Richardson of Murdok spoke with Amber Reed, Public Relations Manager for KnowledgeStorm, at SES 2005 about that company’s plans for a tech-focused search engine for the B2B market.

Amber noted the KnowIt search engine is in beta, and available for public testing. That engine taps KnowledgeStorm’s index of 2500 sites comprised of some 10 million pages.

Viewing The Search Engine Landscape
Chris Richardson of Murdok sat in for the Search Engine Landscape session at the SES 2005 conference, and found out local search blurs the line between fixed content and dynamic results.

Those local search visitors tend to be female, affluent, and concerned about the weather. In the session, speakers James Lamberti from comScore and Bill Tancer from Hitwise took a look at several search engines, and found Google and Yahoo getting the lion’s share of local search traffic.

Make Friends With Search Engines
Mike sits in on Search Engine Friendly Design, and finds a sensible approach works best for site owners.

Design for your audience. That’s the first focus of any site, according to Shari Thurow at this first-day session. Shari works as the webmaster and marketing director for, and has been a past contributor to Murdok.

Incisive Media Talks About SES Acquisition
Tim Weller, chief executive officer of Incisivemedia led the just-completed acquisition of the Search Engine Strategies circuited conference, Clickz and the online search engine journal SearchEngineWatch from Jupitermedia. The purchase raised more than a few eyebrows in the search engine world as the SES conferences are a major venue for the industry.

SES – Managing Your Search Engine Marketing Campaign
I attended the Search Term Research & Targeting session, which featured a Q&A with John Slade, Yahoo! Search Marketing’s director of Product Management.

The session focused on ways to use search term research to help your search engine marketing efforts succeed through free or paid listings.

SES – How Search Algorithms Work (Probably)
The heart of search engine optimization is, of course, procuring a high ranking on any given search engine. These rankings are determined by closely guarded algorithmic formulas. The task is then left to search engine marketers to use deductive reasoning to decipher bits of information from search engine patent applications, trial and error, and general consensus from those who keep up.

More On Jupitermedia Sale Of SES
I chatted briefly with Lisa DiGiacomo at the SES conference about the sale of Clickz and the SES trade show to UK-based Incisive Media.

Lisa is a Marketing & Public Relations Associate for Jupitermedia; she indicated that Incisive is primarily a trade show company. Though it has picked up the Clickz sites along with the well-known trade show, the fate of Jupiter employees has not yet been determined.

SES: Search Engine Marketing Heading Up Forecast Says
With the SES: San Jose starting today, JupiterResearch, a division of Jupitermedia put out its online advertising forecast for 2005 as one of the first pieces of information from the conference. The forecast predicts online advertising will continue its growth well into the future.

Rafael is a designer for Murdok

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