Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization Launches Advertising Campaign

The Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization (SEMPO) today announced the launch of a major advertising campaign.

Dana Todd, chairperson of the SEMPO Education Committee and a member of SEMPO’s Executive Committee, said, “We’re using familiar advertising terms such as ‘top of mind awareness’ to try to cross the breach between the new media and the old media. We want to talk to media planners in their own language and invite them into the conversation.”

According to Todd, the biggest demand for search engine marketing is coming from the advertisers themselves. Brand managers are asking their agencies to include search engine marketing in their media plans.

Todd added, “Almost all of the big agencies have some sort of search engine marketing component in their mix, large or small. They’ve noticed search, but they’re not necessarily allocating as much of their total ad budget as we think is optimal.”

Noel McMichael, co-chairperson of the SEMPO Marketing Committee said, “The search engine marketing dollar is hard-earned. Most ad agencies understand that it performs for their clients, but many are concerned about the commission model. Our job is to show them how partnering with search engine marketing firms or hiring search engine marketing professionals can help them generate the kind of returns that will encourage their clients to invest more in search. The business model can work between specialty SEM firms and advertising agencies.”

McMichael added, “At its core, our message is Search is effective’. At a more complex level, what we want ad agencies to do is engage with search engine marketing firms and professionals to amplify the potential of search in their media mix. Properly applied, search can outperform nearly every other media in terms of efficiency. While some traditional media still provide greater reach, few if any offer better efficiency.”

Kevin Lee, co-chairperson of the SEMPO Technical Committee and a member of SEMPO’s Executive Committee, said, “Recent research has validated what search engine marketers have known for years – that search results go beyond immediate ROI to generate significant lift in top-of-mind awareness, un-aided recall and other branding metrics.”

SEMPO’s goals it to increase awareness and promote the value of search engine marketing.

Jeremy Muncy is a staff writer for www.murdok.org

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