Thursday, September 19, 2024

Search Blog Wrap-up

There were a number of posts from the search engine side of the blogosphere that may not have seen. Here are a few that caught my eye:

MSN Updated Their Index During The Thanksgiving Weekend
MSN’s search engine,, updated their search engine index this weekend… and just in time for the holiday shopping season, something that should make all webmasters incredibly happy. Apparently, they focused on removing spam blogs. SERoundtable has more.

Matt Cutts Makes His PubCon Notes Available
On the Cutts blog, Matt posted a lengthy follow-up concerning his PubCon session where he and a number of other industry heavies looked at audience submitted sites and picked them apart. Some of his thoughts and notes are here.

John Battelle Had A Good Time With Google Checkout
And just in time for the Google Checkout holiday push. It appears as if Google’s merchant service has some cart abandonment issues to address. Be sure and read about Battelle’s Google Checkout adventure; it’s unintentionally funny.

Jane Copland of SEOMoz posted her first SEOMoz article, covering the Las Vegas PubCon. That’s not a bad subject to cover on your first writing assignment because there’s certainly plenty of content.

SearchEngineLand Names Its Contributors
Danny Sullivan’s highly anticipated upcoming search engine blog, named SearchEngineLand, announced who would be the initial contributors – Phil Bradley, Bill Slawski, Jennifer Slegg, Brian Smith, and Greg Sterling… Certainly not a bad list at all.

Viral or Linkbait
Lee Odden takes a look at the differences between these two marketing techniques. There are differences, so pay attention to Lee’s post.

These above topics should provide all the necessary search engine reading you’ll need or want for the rest of this afternoon. It seems the industry is recovering from Vegas while preparing for next week’s Chicago SES.

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