Thursday, September 19, 2024

Scoble’s Phone Call with Edelman

Richard Edelman, head of Edelman*, called. He wrote a blog post about the Walmart/Edelman disclosure (or lack thereof) issue over the weekend.

He says “this should not have happened.” He also said he didn’t respond until he had all the facts, which is why both him and Steve Rubel hadn’t responded until now. Now that he has, he says that they didn’t do a good job here and he’s working to educate his staff so this doesn’t happen again. Steve Rubel also wrote about it and was pretty specific “our firm failed to be completely transparent.”

Richard also apologized for his firm’s error.

That’s enough for me. It’s pretty clear, based on our conversation that this isn’t allowable behavior at Edelman and that he isn’t telling his clients it’s a good thing to do this and that, if a similar site goes up, that full disclosure will be there and will be there from the beginning.

*=I made a mistake of my own and said Richard was a founder, that title belongs to his dad.


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Robert Scoble is the founder of the Scobleizer blog. He works as’s Vice President of Media Development.

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