Saturday, October 5, 2024

Scoble on the Adobe AIR Bus

Adobe invited me to come along on part of its On AIR Bus Tour. I’ll be making the trip today up to Seattle. We leave at 6 a.m. from Adobe’s buildings in San Francisco. There’s going to be a live video feed. It’ll be interesting to see what happens. AIR stands for “Adobe Integrated Runtime” and is Adobe’s competitor to Microsoft’s .NET and Sun Microsystems Java. Basically it lets you move Web apps onto the desktop and out of the browser. Offline and all that fun stuff.

On my Facebook Profile I’ve been asking people what they’d like me to ask the Adobe executives. I’ll get those questions, and any that are left here in my comments, answered. There’s also going to be a Twitter feed, but looks like that, and a Flickr feed, are reposted on the On AIR tour page.

I’ll post some stuff from the road. Of course I’ll have my Nokia cell phone with me, so you’re welcome to call us on the bus tour at 425-205-1921.

Unfortunately I’ll be in Seattle only on Monday night for a few short hours, so can’t shoot any video there. I’ll spend more time in Seattle around Gnomedex, so if you have something cool to show me, let’s get together then.

Oh, and the Adobe bus will be the first vehicle I’ll have been in that has its own API. You’ll be able to track our movements every step of the way.


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