Friday, September 20, 2024

Sandi’s Ts Site Review – Short Comments

Some say it in a page, others say it in a few sentences. Here are the short comments from readers who reviewed the site

In review of the site Sandi’s T’s, I noticed that Sandi’s T’s site states that it is PayPal verified. When I viewed some of her designs I noticed that the site does not have a shopping cart, or PayPal “buy now” button next to each design or product offered. The business owner may be able to increase sales simply by adding the convenience of a pre-programmed PayPal “buy now” button next to each product. As a consumer, I might leave this site and not browse for very long due to not being able to quickly purchase something. The idea that in order to make a purchase, I would have to do the math myself and remember a product number would make me lose interest quickly. Other than this small issue, I think it is a lovely, and warm site.

Charish A. Hoover –

This is what happens when a small business person tries to be a web developer/designer.

Poorly arranged. Too much on each page. Too much distraction. No real design.
Poor navigation.
No real identity is established.
Overall very amateurish – does not give the visitor a feeling of confidence in making a purchase from this person.


The Design Team

MORE TO SEE! CLINK (spelling counts on websites!! )ON THE LINKS BELOW

Also, I think the links are in the wrong order – do you want sales or are you trying to show who your friends are?

So, in this order:

Pick Out Your Own Shirt Color!
Go HeRe to Order
Got Questions?
How Sandi’s T’s Got Started
Would you like to tell me something?
Please vote for Sandi’s T’s !
Some of Sandi T’s Web Rings

Hope this helps a bit… 🙂 Mary Beth

The Sandis Ts gives a very “homey” appearance which is probably good for a craft. What I would like to see is people on the site. There should be people modeling the shirts and the designer should have pictures.

Ron Cappuccio

Ronald J. Cappuccio, J.D., LL.M.(Tax)
Counsellor at Law

The one thing that pops out at me right away is the organization of the home page. There is so much going on and I am not sure what button or link to hit first. Many of the secondary pages are also very crowded. The contact forms are great so the suggestion I would give would be to better organize the home page with a normal navigation layout and this should definitely help people. As far as bringing more traffic to the site- was the site optimized for search engines and if so the title tags need to be re-thought and it would seem to be that the keywords for the site would be fairly straight forward- t-shirts, tee-shirts, placemats, coasters, gift ideas.

an example of how to keep the home page better organized and short and sweet:

Jennifer Hall
Project Manager
Representing the Services of
Thomas Register and Top Floor Technologies

Hi, Had a quick look at the site and the first thought that crossed the mind was ‘watery custard’. Sorry, not a fan of pale yellow as a background.
Also no handsome hunks or groovy gals modelling.
Life style, image and personality need to be pumped up.
Grab ’em quick. Your visitor makes an instant decision whether to stay or jump ship.

The T’s patterns look very attractive, but give your customers a few more ideas; Happy birthday granny, best team in the world, company logo’s etc..
Also a frames template would probably make the site ‘flow ‘ better.
Overall a good idea, individuality is always a good selling point, hope you do well.

Best of luck
Sue Mummery

Remove the ‘center’ icon from Sandi’s computer! The page has way too much movement on it. It sort of looks like things were floating in the air for a while before they dropped onto the page, in somewhat of a random fashion. My eyes aren’t focused on any one thing – that’s what the site needs, is a focus, organization. Better quality pics would be nice too. The t-shirts looked nice, though!:)


Cisco, Linux, Windows, Networking, Web Site Development, Security, AntiVirus, Internetworking, Hardware, Software, Dell, Training, etc.

The site looks ok, and the listing by category works well. A search function would be nice but not necessary. The main drawback I see is the lack of shopping cart. Ordering is too complex for most people going through Acrobat and all…. There are dozens of free shopping cart scripts available on the Internet so why not use one? Also, the Google page ranking is 0/10. Pretty hard to be visible with that kind of ranking. Look at a comparable site like to see what I mean.
Hope this helps

Olivier Onorato, Webmaster
Defender Industries, Inc.

+ Nice (background) color
+ Easy to read
+ Easy to find/surf for stuff

Nice work

+/- middle page – ‘To see more’ I like to click, and not to clink, on the links below……..

What Sandi Myers needs, IMHO, is a good marketing plan for the net.
It is a good product, well done. Only, how to reach the people who want to buy…..?
Advertise, not only on the net. Try to find a (marketing) link elsewhere on the net, to make a link to the site…..

Keep on the good work….. it took me almost 4 years before a breakthrough……
Jean Wenmeekers

Peer reviewers volunteer their time and effort to help other site owners with their websites. Please take time to visit this reviewer’s site and say that you think what they’re doing is valuable to the web business community. If you’d like your site reviewed, send an email to editors@

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