Saturday, October 5, 2024

Safe List Marketing

If you want to pick up a few prospects, and don’t mind getting tons and tons, and even more tons, of junk mail, Safe Lists might be a good way for you to go.

A Safe List is a mailing list where everyone agrees to receive ads from everyone on the list in exchange for being able to place their own ads on the list. Many Safe Lists are free, some charge a small fee.

The great thing about Safe Lists is that everyone there is trying to make some money on-line. So you literally have thousands and thousands of prospects receiving your advertisement. The trick is getting them to read your ad out of the thousands of e-mails they receive each week. That might be an understatement. The trick is to get them to even NOTICE your dadblame ad!

When I say thousands of ads, I mean it. I am a member of several safe lists. I use a special e-mail address to receive that mail. I got busy and didn’t check my mail for a week once. When I went to check it, I had 14,568 e-mails in that account. That is no exaggeration. It is the actual number.

If you plan on advertising in Safe Lists, and have not read my article on subject line writing, you really need to read it. Otherwise you may be wasting your time. It is very important that your subject line both stands out and wets the appetite of the reader. Your ad does no good if the receiver does not open the e-mail.

If you want my article on subject line writing, visit our web site at

In addition to the tips I mention in my article on subject line writing, you will need to remember that many of the offers you will receive from Safe Lists are what I call “penny programs”.

A penny program is an opportunity that costs little or nothing to get involved with. $5 here, $10 there. People really believe they are gonna get rich off these things. Don’t get me wrong, some people do make a lot of money of them. But these are usually people with huge newsletters are an extremely active web site.

In other words, many of the advertisers in Safe Lists are the promoters of freebies or near freebies, and thus they are more open to being receptive to freebies or near freebies.

Does this mean that Safe List advertisers are broke and won’t be a good prospect for a real opportunity? Not at all. I am just letting you know that a high percentage of Safe List advertisers are likely inexperienced marketers who do not really understand things yet. Thus, you have to tailor your ads to attract them, and in your follow-up educate them and introduce them to the real opportunity.

To attract Safe List members, offer something of value free or cheap. Or, hype up your claims a little. Yeah, I hate hype as much as you do. When I say hype, I don’t mean lie. I mean focus on the good. You have to speak the language of those you want to attract.

With your ad you are trying to get responses. You can later qualify the prospects to see if they are really suitable for your opportunity.

Another opportunity that exists with Safe Lists is running your own. By doing you, you can put your own ad at the bottom of each e-mail. Before you try this, you need to join a few Safe Lists and see if this is really something you want to get involved with.

Brande and Chris Bradford are active participants in a home based business opportunity and are the publishers of GREAT HEIGHTS, a monthly newsletter focused on home based business issues. To subscribe to their newsletter, send a blank e-mail to: or visit:

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