Thursday, September 19, 2024

RustySearch Results Posted

Since the explosion of the search engine industry, many have discussed which search engine has the most relevant results. However, conclusions about this debate may have been made a little clearer yesterday.

As mentioned on murdok, Barry Schwartz launched in order to determine which of the big players in the industry had the most relevant results. In order to accomplish this, RustySearch was designed to “scrape” its results from the popular search engines and allowed users to rate each result on a 1 to 5 basis.

These results, which were compiled from the rankings of 5000 different searches, have been posted on and are as follows:

Relevancy Dials

Relevancy By Rating

Raw Summary Data Search Engine 1 2 3 4 5 Average Ask Jeeves 369 121 112 110 537 249.80 Google 332 103 126 177 527 253.00 MSN Search 422 111 105 120 470 245.60 Yahoo! 344 104 100 139 603 258.00 Total 1,467 439 443 546 2,137 5,032

Has the table and the images indicate, the relevancy champ according to RustySearch is Yahoo. Google was second with MSN Search and Ask rounding out the rankings.

For read Barry’s post for further analysis.

Chris Richardson is a search engine writer and editor for murdok. Visit murdok for the latest search news.

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