Friday, September 20, 2024

RSSmeme Puts Out API

Bloggers looking to brag on themselves (or “share their most popular stories,” if you prefer) can now do it more easily thanks to Benjamin Golub.  Golub’s RSSmeme API will create a list that should work with all of the most popular blogging platforms.Benjamin Golub

A full 15 parameters are available, making the end result quite customizable.  Want to keep a superstar post from a while back in the spotlight?  Just fiddle with the “hours” option.  Need to limit the list to a certain hot topic?  Go after the “tag” choices.

Other parameters relate to languages, authors, search terms, and URLs.

 Benjamin Golub

Golub writes, “That widget will auto refresh with your most shared stories!”  Also, although some people would have gone fishing for money or traffic, he adds, “Of note is the fact that users will have no idea that you are using RSSmeme to generate this widget.  I gain nothing from this; consider it a present to the blogosphere!”

Still, to at least take a glance at the company behind this gift, RSSmeme, like ReadBurner, aggregates shared Google Reader items.  A mobile RSSmeme became available early yesterday morning.  And Sarah Perez writes, “If the future of social media is filtering . . . then providing these types of tools is a big step in the right direction for RSSmeme.”

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