Thursday, September 19, 2024

Richard Edelman – PR in 5 Years

Richard Edelman in his Q&A sit down today at Syndicate was asked, among other things, what the PR industry might look like 5 years from now.

A few of his responses paraphrased here:

Press releases will be deconstructed: how companies produce and package their news via the press release will change (but not die).

PR will play a critical role in early stage product development: with PR teams increasingly listening to and participating in edge conversations, the richness of this information in aggregate will be invaluable for product development. Also, the concept of co-creation, where “edge conversationalists” are invited in to actively influence and shape new products will be a unique value that PR can bring to bear for both the company and the audiences that care about these products.

PR will have a seat in the c-suite: as the eyes, ears and voice of a company, a bridge really to the conversational edge, executive teams will need to rely (heavily) on the input and counsel of communication leaders when it comes to the strategic direction and important business decisions.

Josh Hallett with Hyku has a recording of the conversation available here.

Also See:

Edelman: there has to be a better way (Brian Oberkrich)

Edelman keynote at Syndicate touches upon industry changes (PRWeek)
Richard Edelman (David Weinberger)

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Mike Manuel is the founder of the award winning Media Guerrilla blog. Media Guerrilla is an insiders take on the practice of technology public relations with a focus on the issues, tactics and trends that are specific to the tech industry.

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