Friday, September 20, 2024

Research Scientist Heads From Yahoo To Twitter

Today, as is often the case, one tech company’s loss became another’s gain.  Utkarsh Srivastava has left Yahoo after spending more than three years as a senior research scientist there, and Srivastava confirmed (in well under 140 characters) that he’ll land at Twitter.

Srivastava’s background is quite impressive.  On the educational front, he earned degrees from the Indian Institute of Technology and Stanford, and happened to receive the Stanford Graduate Fellowship, too.

Around the same time, he acted as a research intern at Microsoft and then IBM, and was awarded the Microsoft Graduate Fellowship.  Not bad.

Next, Srivastava headed to Yahoo, where according to his , he became “one of the original designers and developers of Pig, a high-level language for data processing over Hadoop.  Pig is open-sourced as a subproject of Hadoop, and is routinely used in production for large data processing both within, and outside of Yahoo!.”

Which more or less brings us back to the present day.  noticed that Srivastava had been added to a list of Twitter employees, and Srivastava confirmed it on Twitter a little later.

Yahoo hasn’t named any sort of replacement or, as far as we can tell, chained its remaining employees to their desks.

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