Saturday, October 5, 2024

Reputation 1.0 Not Working Yet

Media 2.0 meets Reputation 1.0, the interoperability is a little shoddy, but hey, that never stopped us before.

    Take a look at the top handful of sites trying to offer users control over their online identity — be that one or 12 personas — and expect to be disappointed. “Reputation 1.0 isn’t working — there’s no consistency in someone’s reputation,” says Nadeau. “There’s big thinking, but no one coding yet.” Source: Wired Blogs

If you have not been following media 2.0, the privacy implications alone are enough to keep a team of security people occupied for years. We have systems like Twitter that allow you to record random thoughts as they cross your mind in a Jungian Collective Consciousness experiment run completely by volunteer people submitting random thoughts. We have the ubiquitous MySpace and Facebook where we detail the intimate aspects of our lives, our Blogs where we talk about our professional or personal thoughts. We expose ourselves in public with a public persona that 2 years from now, 5, 10, 20 years from now given systems like the Way back Machine will continue to haunt us.

We have systems like Reputation Defender that takes on projects to clean up your on line reputation. There will be others that enter this space as well; reputation defender is the only one in this space that I know of.

Privacy is something that we have learned to expect in some occurrences, but not in others. We do accept monitoring behaviors from our work places monitoring where we surf, and monitor our e-mail. We should not be surprised when the HR department starts combing MySpace and others for information about you.

We volunteer information about ourselves or about our hobbies, the fun things we do, and we seek to share these events in web 2.0. The popularity of self produced video on YouTube and others demonstrates our willingness to be on line, be in public and do things that we might not do otherwise.

Reputation 1.0 is all about working through the ramifications of what we post, what we support, and the viewpoint that corporations might have when considering us for employment. For the viewpoints that our girlfriends or boyfriends parents might have of us when they check us out on line. That our friends and families might think of the things that we are doing now, that later on might come back to haunt us.

The person that codes the solution for Reputation 1.0 takes Web 3.0 and owns it.

Media and Web 2.0 is all about public exposure.

Web 3.0 might be all about getting our data that we voluntarily contributed to the internet off the internet.


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