Friday, September 20, 2024

Report: Online Advertising Strong As Ever

The advertising industry as a whole isn’t looking so great.  Yet ZenithOptimedia found that, in comparison to traditional competitors, online advertising appears to be healthy and growing.

David Kaplan reports that overall Internet ad spending should “grow 26.7 percent and break through the 10 percent share barrier this year – a year earlier than Zenith predicted just three months ago.  By 2010 Zenith predicts online will attract 13.6 percent of all advertising, well ahead of the company’s previous prediction of 12.3 percent.”


In regards to everything else, “The sunny views for online advertising are included in a report that expects darkening clouds for growth in North America and Europe: Zenith has downgraded its forecast for the former to 3.5 from 3.7 percent, while growth for the latter is expected to end up 3.7 percent higher instead [of] the earlier prediction of 3.9 percent.”

This state of affairs may be hard for Web marketers to celebrate, and a little schadenfreude will certainly be at work if they whip up some cheers.  Looked at in “better them than us” terms, though – and assuming ZenithOptimedia doesn’t change its estimates another time – the situation is what it is.

Traditional marketers can at least take some comfort in the fact that the Dow is doing better than the Nasdaq so far today.

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