Blinkx might not be up for sale; an official source denied acquisition rumors that started last week. But corporate statements don’t necessarily mean much, and new Hitwise stats portray Blinkx as a tempting target.
Heather Dougherty writes, “Traffic to Blinkx has increased steadily over the past year – the market share of visits for the week ending May 10, 2008 is 10x higher than the same week in 2007. Much of this growth is being driven by new users, since 62% of the traffic to Blinkx during the same timeframe had not visited the website in the past 30 days.”
Of course, Blinkx still can’t compare to YouTube, and its name didn’t even show up on comScore’s list of the top ten video properties in March. Blinkx has made some important friends, though.
“Of the websites that received traffic from Blinkx . . . . [w]ebsites for News Corp. (Photobucket and MySpace), Google (Google, YouTube and Blogger), and Yahoo! (mail, search, and video) are all well represented in the top 10 downstream,” notes Hopkins, “highlighting why they make logical potential bidders.”
Finally, although investors backed away Friday afternoon, they’re once again embracing Blinkx’s stock. It’s up 15.25 percent this morning, and the company’s market cap is nearing $100 million. If anyone’s going to buy Blinkx, they’d do well to step in before it gets more expensive.