Monday, September 16, 2024

Rekindling Your Dreams

Each month I receive a dozen or so magazines. Most of them come to my home.

When they arrive, I dutifully place them in a neat stack next to my bed. All of them are on topics I enjoy, so I intend to read each one.

There’s only one problem with this procedure–I don’t read in bed.

Yup, when I go to bed, I go to sleep. I don’t read.

So why do I keep placing the magazines beside my bed? Because I never took the time to figure out where reading magazines would fit into my life. I want to read them, I would enjoy reading them, I just never made room for them.

What does this have to do with starting a business? Plenty.

Many of us go through life with our dreams stacked up neatly beside our beds. We intend to get to them, we know we would enjoy achieving them, but we have never made time or room in our lives for accomplishing them.

The key change many of us need to make to begin achieving our goals is simply to sit down and figure out when we are going to work on their achievement. Just setting aside an hour a day is enough time to write a novel in a year. Ten hours a week will build you a full-time online income. Those little chunks of time add up to big accomplishments.

So, if you have been side-tracked from your dreams, maybe today is a good day to take a minute and figure out when you are going to pursue those goals.

And while you’re doing that, I’m going to move all these magazines to the living room, next to my recliner.

Kevin Bidwell is owner of

Kevin just finished a complete report on building a passive
income. Grab your copy here:

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