Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Realtors – How to Turn Your Internet Visitors into Roaring Hot Leads

I often hear this problem from realtors that I coach “I get people who visit my website but I don’t know how to convert them into a hot lead”

This problem is common and the good news is that it can be fixed very easily. Let me show you how. It is important to realize that everyone who comes to your site is looking for information. No one comes to your site just to browse. The last National Association of Realtors study shows that 41% of homebuyers rely on the internet to gather information about their home purchase or sale.

That means that everyone who comes to your site has one of two questions on their mind – How can this realtor help me buy a home? Or how can this realtor help me sell my home. Giving the visitor what they want is the key to converting them from a visitor to a roaring hot client-to-be. Courting your leads is a dance – especially online.

Your visitors start out as an anonymous, faceless, information seeker that is reluctant to part with any personal information. Your site’s job is to coax them to make a commitment to you and get permission to contact them.

The best way to do this is by offering free and relevant information. When a realtor asks me where they can get information – I always tell them to look in their own presentation materials. Here is some information that is homebuyers and sellers commonly want

  • Local school information
  • No Money Down Financing
  • Home buying checklists
  • Home selling checklists
  • Buying foreclosure property
  • Home inspection help
  • Home appraisal help
  • How to get a mortgage
  • How to select a realtor
  • Rent vs. Buy
  • Mortgage Calculators
  • Home Warranties & Insurance
  • Guaranteed ways to get more for your property
  • FSBO Myths

Collect this information and put it on your website, as much as you can find. I would suggest that you take 1 hour a night to type in another piece of relevant information. If you type like I do – I suggest hiring someone to type in the information for you. Try to get at least 5 to 7 separate articles that would be of help for sellers and buyers.

Now for the next step –

Offer your information to your site visitors as an email mini-course on “Buying A Home”, or “Selling Your Home”. Ask people to give you their first name and email address and in return you will send them a series of emails that will teach them how to either buy or sell their home.

Every time one of my realtors has done this – they are literally swamped with requests. And, they are tickled pink! Why – because they now have a good list of prospective clients.

The next step is the key to effortlessly turning your leads into clients. And it is completely automatic. This means that your site will automatically cultivate your relationship with your leads without needing a minute of your time.

The tool that makes this happen is called a smart autoresponder. A smart autoresponder is an email program that automatically sends a series of messages at timed intervals. So when a person gives you their name and email and hits submit – the autoresponder instantly sends them the first email. Then the autoresponder waits 1,2, or 3 days (it’s up to you) and sends the second message. This process continues until you tell it to stop.

>From your prospects viewpoint, they receive a helpful and relevant email from you every day or every other day during their home search. Try to guess who is going to get the call to be their realtor? You guessed it – YOU!

The great thing about this system is that it is automatic and highly personalized. Every realtor that has used this technique has seen results. If you are serious about turning your site into a lead generation machine – Smart Autoresponders are a great tool. I listed some reliable and inexpensive smart autoresponders listed in our Autoresponder Directory.

Just to recap – here are the keys to effortlessly turning your visitors into buyers:

  • Collect all the home buying and home selling information you can get your hands on
  • Categorize the information into two piles – one pile for buyers and one pile for sellers
  • Type in (or hire someone) the information that is in each pile into single page documents
  • Get a smart autoresponder (you will need two accounts – one for sellers and one for buyers.

See my recommendations at

  • Load the buyer autoresponder with your buyer information. Just cut and paste from the documents that you typed in.
  • Do the exact same thing for the seller autoresponder.
  • On your website – Offer to provide a FREE Mini-Course on Buying or Selling A Home. Just use a simple form to gather the person’s first name and email address. Your autoresponder instructions will show you how to automatically collect the person’s name and email address from the form and instantly start the process.
  • Sit back and relax – now the whole process is automated!

This process requires a little work in the beginning – but it will yield a great return on your investment. This is just another Master Realtor Internet Secret Revealed!

Stan Smith is the Author of Master Realtor Internet Secrets Revealed! a comprehensive guide that teaches real estate professionals how to build and market lead-generating Real Estate web sites. Click here for more information on this ground-breaking online success guide – written exclusively for real estate professionals. Check it out at

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