Monday, September 16, 2024

Reader Response – Great Home Pages Really Suck

DevWebPro reader and frequent contributor Jamie Kiley responds to Cameron Moll’s article “Great Homepages Really ‘Suck’ “(

Just wanted to comment on the feature article. I like the general concept–that home pages must pull visitors into their site. However, I disagree somewhat with the logic in describing the needs of “searchers” vs. “browsers.” I understand the two different types of visitors, but I’m not sure that lots of options on the home page is the answer for the browser.

By definition, browsers don’t have a specific agenda. Therefore, if you want them to take action on your site, you have to guide them–get them started down a particular path. In other words, websites should be focused on directing users. This means home pages should NOT have too many options, because they offer clutter and distraction. Multiple options do not suck users into the site. Focused, directed pages do, because they point toward a goal.

I think it’s true that websites should not have excessively simple home pages like Their home page does not entice readers or give any direction about what to do. However, sites also should also not be chock full of content, with links everywhere. This tends to confuse people–even browsers.

Anyway, I enjoyed reading reading and just thought I’d throw my opinion out there.

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