Friday, September 20, 2024

3 Quick Tips for Selling More on Your Website

Recently, after a delicious dinner, a long-time friend said to me, “I’m at my wit’s end. I’ve got traffic. People are clicking on my product pages. Why aren’t they buying?”

“Let’s take a look,” I said. We logged on. Here’s some of what I suggested:

1. Have at-a-glance category links.

Have links to your product categories laid out at-a-glance along the left side of the screen. Studies that follow visitors through online stores show that when links are clearly laid out, some visitors will make impulse purchases. The visitor who came to your site for one thing may decide they’d rather buy something else. You can have a search box in addition to the category links.

2. Have testimonials on your homepage.

Having a link to a testimonials page is convenient for you, but it is a mistake. A visitor may not want to take the time to click to the page. But there is something very compelling about “text in quotes”. Since your homepage is crowded with information, you can put your best testimonial prominently on your homepage, then add a “More testimonials” link.

3. Make it easy for visitors to give referrals.

Ask your visitors who do they know who would be interested in your offerings. Have a refer-a-friend feature on your website. Even if a small number of visitors invite their friends, it’s free word-of-mouth.

Raynay Valles is a High-Sales Marketer who makes
websites profitable. Her Internet Marketing Ideabook is full
of proven ideas to get more sales from your website. For
more info, visit
or write her at

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