Thursday, September 19, 2024

Pushing the Boundaries on Blogs: Do Fake Blogs Work?

Blogging continues to move out of the realm of personal diarists and into the hands of business professionals and marketers. The transition isn’t always smooth, especially as creative marketers use blogs in new ways to promote products, businesses and business strategies.

Long-time bloggers often refer to these efforts as “fake” blogs, and the resulting hue and cry generates publicity – of the negative kind.

Are there lines that can’t be crossed? What has been tried, and failed? What has been tried, and succeeded? Learn to plan for the reactions you will get as push the boundaries with new and exciting ideas.

Susannah Gardner, author of “Buzz Marketing with Blogs for Dummies” will review recent efforts to create creative blogs. Learn where and why marketers have had problems, and what strategies are succeeding.

We’ll talk about the Lincoln Fry blog, the Mazda blog, Moosetopia, Where The Secret Girls Get Real, and others. As well, Susannah will talk about some of the programs and efforts that exist today to recruit popular bloggers as marketers.

This session will give you some targeted suggestions for creating a marketing blog that won’t rock the blogosphere with outrage.

Susannah Gardner is the co-founder and creative director of Hop Studios Internet Consultants, a Web design company specializing in custom Web solutions for content publishers.

She is also the author of “Buzz Marketing with Blogs for Dummies” a practical hands-on guide to business blogging for marketing and PR professionals.

Hosted by Denise Wakeman and Patsi Krakoff of Build a Better Blog System.

Guest Expert: Susannah Gardner of Buzz Marketing with Blogs, featured in the Build a Better Blog System.
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