Thursday, September 19, 2024

Problems With Social Media

Note to self: Do not keep the bulk of tax filing till the last month before taxes are due.

In the midst of shuffling paper around for hours and hours in my office (a real joy), I’ve been listening to episodes of Geekcast.

What I like about Geekcast’s easygoing, conversational banter between Shawn Collins, Lisa Picarille, Jim Kukral and Sam Harrelson is that it’s pretty stream-of-consciousness and more shoot-from-the-hip compared to a more produced program like Lisa and Shawn’s Affiliate Thing or Linda Woods’ Affiliate Marketing Insider.

It’s like talk radio for the internet marketer, and goes beyond the affiliate marketing/affiliate management/blogging/social media borders to cover all things “geeky”.

In the latest episode Web 2.0 is the Devil, (yes, it’s still a dirty word) – it’s interesting to hear about the dirty word beyond it’s traffic and monetization implications to get into the guts of the zeitgeist or spirit of social media.

As Lisa mentions, how do you separate your twitter stream and create a divide between the public and personal messages – how do you create twits that your boss or employees or clients can’t access?

It kinda reminds me of the early days of email, before email folders where everything sat in one massive “inbox”.

Right now, social media is still at it’s rudimentary “1.0″ stage, where everything is dumped into one huge social channel.

You can follow Scott Jangro’s post and pull up extra commands to try to manage your twitter stream.

Or follow his advice to un-follow people and just follow the ones you like.

On another note, Facebook has create a provision for “limited profiles” where you can selectively adjust your Facebook profile so your cell phone, email address, mailing address don’t show to people whom you’ve just met.

But back to twitter…

How do you filter your updates (AKA “content”).

Do you create a “Fake Steve Jobs” or “Private Lisa” persona and have friends subscribe to that?

But it would show up on their list of “Following” users – unless the people you are following could be set to “invisible” or “private” which kinda defeats the whole point of social marketing, isn’t it?

Some advocates talk about curating (AKA moderating or censoring) the web.

But if you’re going to impose formal controls over the web, does that mean the “social web” becomes less “social” and more “formal”?


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