Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Priceless Publicity For The Pennywise

Undeniably, there are innumerable advertising and publicity opportunities, especially free ones, online. And listing all of them, even a good number of them, within the confines of this simple editorial is impossible. But there is a handful of free publicity tactics I have personally used in the last five years that have worked very effectively in my practice.

I recommend you try them.

They say that, on the Internet, “content rules.” Accordingly, contributing content to the media is an effective tactic. For example, writing an article relative to your area of expertise and submitting it to any publication, website, discussion list or email newsletter (including offline media), which deals in the dissemination of related information and at the same time targets an audience that logically fits into yours, is good.

Educational or entertaining content is always highly sought after, even offline. But online it is more so, as editors constantly crave good quality content. Any channel, be it publication or medium, that targets your market without directly competing with you (even competitors, in some cases) will likely be open to publishing your article, for free, in exchange for limited exposure to their readers or viewers.

But again, the trick is to find those publications that are read by qualified audiences. The more niche-oriented they are, and the closer such audiences fit into your target market, the higher the quality of the reader (and subsequently visitor or prospect) will be. For tips on how to find and target markets, particularly through third parties such as media, ezines and websites, I suggest “How to Target Your Perfect Customer,” an article at

In other words, the key is to become your own publicity and sales promotions writer. Since credibility is an important component of doing business on the Web, contributing articles for free carries many advantages. For example, it not only increases your business’ visibility in front of qualified eyeballs, it also establishes your expertise in a given field.

Therefore, add a byline to everything you write. It’s a short note at the end describing who you are and what you do along with your website address. One of the most effective bylines is one in which you offer something for free, such as a free subscription to your newsletter, a free software or service, or a link to additional content. For example, when I submit articles, I use as a byline the following short resource box:

Michel Fortin, the, is an author, marketing consultant and college professor. If you like the ideas expressed in the article, then you’ll love the entire book, “The 10 Commandments of Power Positioning.” Download it for free by visiting

Offer something in return for their time — the time they take to visit your site, read your content or buy your product. It is an effective tool and simply common sense. Since the goal is to establish yourself as an expert in your field, by not offering something for free as a gesture of appreciation it can harm you. Bylines that only “push” people to do something can often lessen the credibility you attempted to create with your article. You appear more promotional than educational.

Similarly, another effective free publicity technique is by being a guest on as many of the radio, Internet and television talk shows as possible — even programs that consist mainly of guest or expert interviews. Like editors seeking fresh content, talk show producers are constantly seeking guests and topics. You can even offer your expertise as a way to regularly contribute to a show, column or event on a related subject.

A client of mine, a plastic surgeon, is always asked to join a panel of guest experts on a weekly talk radio show — one that deals specifically with health and beauty issues. He is also a contributing columnist for a local newspaper, and his weekly columns appear in the paper’s health and lifestyle section.

Any business owner can achieve similar notoriety.

In general, since the Internet is not subjected to the rules and regulations of conventional broadcast authorities, it is therefore filled with streaming radio stations, even numbering in the hundreds of thousands. (Often, they are only one-person operations, broadcast from small offices or homes. For a list, visit .)

Of course, due to their large number and small size, most of them are unknown. But there are some that are quite popular, with audiences as large as several hundreds of thousands of listeners. For example, two popular Internet talk shows that deal mostly with business and marketing issues — and that I like — are The Mike Litman Show at and The Money Room Show at

Becoming a guest on such shows is much easier to achieve than most people realize. All you need to do is write a letter or email to the producer, and then follow up with a phone call (or visit, if the program is located in your area). This letter is similar to a query letter one sends to editors for a topic suggestion or article submission. Your chances of being accepted are greater if you emphasize that your topic, expertise or product is of interest to their audiences.

In conclusion, keep in mind that you are only limited by your imagination. Free publicity and advertising opportunities are everywhere when you think creatively. But if you’re not at least contributing articles to publications and websites that cater to your target market, you are losing out on one of the most effective, free traffic generation opportunities on the Web. Simply find out where your market congregates, and find ways to put you, your business or your product in front of them.

… And consider adopting a new vocabulary — like “viral glue,” perhaps?

Michel Fortin is a direct response copywriter and consultant dedicated to turning sales messages into powerful magnets. Get a free copy of his book, “The 10 Commandments of Power Positioning,” when you subscribe to his free monthly ezine, “The Profit Pill.” See now!

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