Saturday, October 5, 2024

Price Becoming More Important For Mobile Users

Price has become an increasingly important factor when choosing a wireless provider according to a new comScore survey of U.S. mobile phone users.

Coverage, price and family/friends connectivity were the three most important factors given by respondents when choosing a wireless carrier. In a similar survey from 2006, respondents said better coverage was almost twice as important as price, 27 percent compared with 14 percent. Having friends and family who had the same carrier was an important factor for 13 percent.

In 2008, 22 percent of respondents said the main reason for choosing a carrier was coverage, while price was important for 19 percent. Friends and family increased to 17 percent.

 Compared to the level of engagement in 2006, mobile Internet users have become significantly more engaged today. The percentage of mobile Internet users who access the Internet more than once a day doubled from18 percent to 36 percent. Fifty-six percent of mobile Internet users said they access the Internet at least daily, up from 21 percent in 2006.

Thirty-three percent of mobile users said they do not have a landline, an increase of 19 percent compared to 2006 when 14 percent said they did not have a landline.

Depending on the carrier, 5 to 15 percent of mobile users said they plan to switch carrier in the next six months.

“Overall study results indicate that cellular phones are quickly transitioning from being viewed by consumers as a simple communication device to a multi-functional media and entertainment consumption device,” said Serge Matta, senior vice president of comScore Telecommunications Solutions.

“There is a significant opportunity for mobile carriers, advertisers and product developers to capitalize on the industry’s continued trend toward consumer dependence on cell phones.”


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