Thursday, September 19, 2024

Posts that Share with Others – Link Roundups

Blog posting ideas present an ongoing challenge for even the most experienced and creative bloggers.

For blog owners who post on at least a daily basis, the need to generate new blog posting topics is endless. At times, the blogger is faced with nothing at all about which to write. The dream is a post that presents itself on a regular ongoing basis.

Enter the blog link roundup post.

For one posting day a week, a blogger can devote the blog space to linking to some interesting and perhaps overlooked posts. The link roundup provides a mini-carnival type post that offers some real value to the blog’s readership.

By selecting and commenting upon some posts the writer found interesting and informative, two needs are satisfied. The blogger has a post idea, and the readers have a pre-selected group of theme related posts to read.

Blog link roundups often appear on Friday. Bloggers who have made the link extravaganza part of their weekly routine appear to place it later in the week. Earlier in the week marks the arrival of blog carnivals. Later in the week, link sharing offers readers something to fill up their weekend blog reading activities. The avoidance of theme related blog carnivals is important to the success of the link roundup posting concept.

When writing a link roundup, try to limit the number of links provided in the post. Five to ten links seems an appropriate number, offering variety, while preventing link overload. Each post presented should include at least one or two lines of comment and introduction. Bare links with no other information are rarely clicked.

As a result, the link roundup offers the reader little value. Think of helping your readers find information, and that’s way in which the post works best.

Regular visitors to your blog will appreciate your finding and selecting posts that might be of interest to them. The time saving aspect of your post, for your readership, shouldn’t be overlooked. You invested your time, so they can save their blog reading moments. That has value for everyone.

Bloggers receiving your roundup link will appreciate the gesture, and the extra SEO value resulting from the additional inbound link. Along with the SEO benefit for the linked blogger, there is some evidence that linking out to theme relevant blogs and websites will provide a search engine rankings boost to your own blog as well.

Linking out to other blogs often results in links being returned to your blog, sending SEO power back to you. At the same time, everyone receives a larger shared visitor count, creating another win win situation for everyone.

Should you ever become bogged down with no idea as to what to post. Don’t neglect the possibility of devoting one day per week to a link roundup.

Simply select a group of your favourite posts from the week, and send your readers to them for information. Your efforts on your visitors’ behalf will not go unnoticed.

It might be link roundup time at your blog this week.


Wayne Hurlbert provides insigtful information about marketing, promotions, search engine optimization and public relations for websites and business blogs on the popular Blog Business World.

Check out Blog Business World for yourself.

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