Saturday, September 21, 2024

3 Positive Steps for Destroying Fear, Building Confidence & Big Profits!

Many would-be entrepreneurs never get ahead with their biz plans or ideas because of the big Fear Factor! They’d really like to make some project click, but too many negative thoughts and ideas hold them back. They worry about failure, legal problems, family opposition, rejection and a myriad of other possibilities. Here we will outline 3 things you can do now to destroy fear and move on confidently toward success!

1) Take Action!

Action actually cures fear. Once you get in the middle of a project, you mind will start looking for ways to make your plan work. Inaction, or doing nothing is fear’s workshop. Not doing anything will destroy your confidence and those negative thoughts will dominate.

If a net biz is in your plans, take time to learn some new things. You don’t have to be an expert on tech issues (experts are a dime a dozen and you can hire as many as you need), but it does help to know something about it. A little understanding on your part can relieve a LOT of stress and doubt. Take time to do your homework.

2) Focus On The Positives!

We live in a negative world, so don’t beat yourself up too bad if you have fallen into the grove of doubtful thinking. The good news is that you can get out of that rut! When it comes to your biz plan, focus on the reasons why it can work instead of why it won’t. Whatever you focus on, that is what you will come up with. It’s funny how the mind works.

Since our business is teaching folks how to earn online income, we did an exercise where we asked individuals if it would be possible to take a homeless person from the street and teach them how to make money online. The results of our research were interesting!

The ones who were less successful said that it would not be possible, that the person would not even have a PC to work with, or an address to mail his checks to. They could think of every negative reason in the world why our experiment with a homeless person would not work.

On the other hand, the more successful folks (who have earned income online) started to tell us all the reasons why it could work. We could take the street person to the library and teach them how to get online. They could set up a Pay Pal account and have commissions deposited there. We could help them set up a P.O. Box to get mail.

These were some of the same ideas that the less successful folks came up with when we asked them “Well just imagine for a moment that it could be done, how would you do it?” Then positive answers came!

So get your mind reasoning on all the ways something will work, and it will come up with many ideas for you. If you focus on the negatives, it will paint a picture for you full of reasons why your plan or biz won’t work! Try it yourself. Have some fun with it. Then focus on the positives for the rest of your life!

3) Praise Others!

It is easy to tell everyone what they are doing wrong. Seems like that is what most folks concentrate on these days. We are all imperfect, and you would never run out of material. However, try to encourage others by expressing thanks for what they do right. It will go a long way toward forming lasting relationships with people.

When something does not go right, don’t be so quick to complain. Here is an actual email we received from someone. Keep in mind that this is the first time we had heard from this person. What would be your thoughts on them as an individual?

“tried to call at 7:30 CST, which is the same as 7:30 MDT isn’t it? Any way the line was dead. tried 3 times past 7:30 before and past MDT. Dead. carelessness irresponsibiltiy is teh name of the game. Screw somew over some how. hello arrogance”

(Misspellings and grammar mistakes as received)

Turns out that this person tried to call in on one of our conference calls, but mistakenly thought that Mountain Time was the same as Central time. No biggie, an easy mistake to make. However, do you see how this accusatory and negative email was going to benefit anyone? Would it make you want to do business with them? We received several other emails from them – all were negative. It’s easy to see that this is a miserable person who has a habit of tearing down others.

Don’t let yourself fall into that pattern! Once you’re stuck in it, things can really get bad and ugly. Focus on praise for things done right and you will win friends and influence folks to do even more for you!

Many times the negative person as mentioned above will complain because they don’t understand something. Again, take some time to learn. Once you learn new things, you life will become even more exciting for you. You won’t get stagnant and defensive with every little thing that goes wrong. In fact, fewer things will go wrong for you because you have done your homework. You will still have to deal with inactive negative people, the world is FULL of such ones – But you won’t be one of them!

So there you have it, the big 3 confidence and biz builders – take action, stay positive, and praise others. Why not start today?

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