Friday, September 20, 2024

Positive Reinforcement: A Cure for Workplace Woes.

The Workplace. It’s really become a stress-fest lately, hasn’t it? With reduced hiring, cutbacks and layoffs, everyone is doing more at work than ever before. Well, almost everyone. There are always those few entitled employees out there who feel that all they have to do is show up to earn their paycheck. But that’s another story altogether – and one I’ll cover in an upcoming issue!!

So for those hard-working employees out there who are constantly being asked to do more and more and more, what’s the reward? Is it a significant pay raise? Probably not. What about more time off? Uh, no. How about a fabulous bonus? Doubt it.

Most companies today are strapped for cash so all of those raises and bonuses of the past have gone bye-bye. These days managers are being asked to motivate their staff without the benefit of a budget that might help them do it. So what’s a busy, stressed-out and tired manager to do? Focus on the positive – that’s what!!

Yeah, I know. You managers out there are swamped with work. I hear it every day. You’re so busy running around trying to put out fires that you can barely carve out a moment of your schedule for quality time with your employees.

But I’m here to tell you all that this positive reinforcement thing is an absolute must these days. It’s one of the very few things you can do that will actually motivate your staff. So guess what, kids, you must find the time for it!! Consider it to be a critical factor to your employees’ productivity – and perhaps you’ll find a way to squeeze it in. Feel like I’m imposing a bit of a guilt trip? Goooooood.

Here’s the deal, guysemployees NEED to be recognized for all of the good things they do at work. Think about it. How much extra responsibility have your employees assumed due to current economic conditions? If your company is like most, it’s probably quite a bit. Have you really expressed your appreciation for all the extra responsibilities that they’ve taken on? Sure it’s their job – and yes, they are lucky to have jobs these days. But still, you have to admit that there are people on your team that have kicked it into over-drive and have been operating on that speed for some time now. And that’s worthy of a big, fat, juicy “thank you!”

Validating employees by telling them how much you appreciate what they do goes a long way in the employee satisfaction and motivation department. How do you think it makes them feel if you can’t even bother to take the time to give them a verbal pat on the back? Not too important, I assure you . So get positive – and get specific. Tell them what specific things they are doing that you like. For example if an employee writes a report that you like – tell them what it specifically was about the report that was so good. Was it well written, polished, full of important content, well organized? Be specific!! Not only does this make your employee feel important and appreciated, but it helps them to perform better by having a frame of reference for the kinds of workplace performance and behavior that you value as a manager. Pretty cool, huh?

So get out into your department and get in the habit of finding something positive to say to your employees. Its definitely a workplace win-win!

Molly Luffy, MBA, owner of Work Ethic Wizard, dedicated to helping managers regain their sanity and employees survive and thrive in todays corporation. Author of Super-Charge Your Promotion Quotient: 225 Success Strategies for the New Professional.

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