PodZinger has published the results of a study, revealing the top searches and trends on its site for 2006. The statistics showed that sports, talk personalities and world news topped audio search, while current events and pop culture accounted for the majority of online video searches.
It’s pretty safe to say that 2006 was the year of the podcast.
From Jim Cramer’s financial tips to Soccergirl’s well documented exploits as the world’s foremost breast activist, 2006 marked a year where digital content aficionados could find a podcast covering just about any topic imaginable.
PodZinger is a podcasting search engine that indexes content from site like YouTube and Rocketboom, allowing users to find both video and audio podcasts relating to specific search terms.
Compiling all the data from last year’s searches, PodZinger has published its report of the most popular video and audio podcasts of last year.
Most watched video podcasts of 2006:
1) ABC World News
2) Keith and The Girl
3) X-Play
4) CNN The Grist
5) Rumor Girls
6) ESApod
8) Democracy Now!
9) Diggnation
10) TED Talks
Most listened to audio podcasts of 2006:
1) WMMR’s Preston and Steve
2) Radio Leo
3) CNN News Update
4) World Soccer Daily
5) Radio Nostalgia Network
6) Cramer Radio
7) The Geoff Show: Virgin Radio
8) Daily Noise
9) Wall Street Journal This Morning
10) Computer America
“The phenomenon of online audio and video search and advertising is catching on like wildfire with everyone from major brands, to marketers and individuals,” said Barbara Loonam, vice president of marketing, PodZinger.
“PodZinger’s unique ability to categorize multimedia content ensures that all of our users find the most targeted, relevant news, information and entertainment. The more that video peaks users’ interest, the more the trend is going to continue to grow.”
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Joe is a staff writer for Murdok. Visit Murdok for the latest ebusiness news.