Thursday, September 19, 2024

Personalization Versus Automation

Personalization on the internet is fast becoming a necessary ingredient for success. If you are still in the outdated automatic mode, you are losing valuable customers.

A few years back, the way to success on the internet was duplication and a world of impersonal auto responder messages. Things are changing quickly and my two cents says it is changing for the better.

People want to know that you are someone they can talk to. They want to know that someone is there to answer questions. They want someone to reach if something goes astray in their every day marketing endeavors. Be available for your clients, it doesn’t matter if you are selling a product or sending out an ezine.

People are looking for answers or solutions to their problems. You can go a long ways towards earning a clients respect and loyalty by being there to provide these answers or solutions.

Don’t get me wrong, auto responders are a very valuable tool and can be a very important part of internet marketing. The problem that I am referring to is one of automation to the point that one loses track of what is happening with their own business.

People have become so automated that they are working against themselves. I have people who subscribe to my ezine and submit ads that are too long in length. I send a note asking for an ad that fits the criteria for ad submission to our ezine. They don’t even check these email addresses, they never get an ad published and I delete them from my ezine subscription list. They have spent a lot of time joining and submitting ads that will never even run. This is a lot of wasted time and effort, automation at it’s worst.

It is amazing the relationships that you can generate by becoming a little more personal in your business. People are the answer to success on the internet and finding people that are interested in what you have to offer is hard when you are impersonal.

If you are trying to become an internet marketing success story, I would urge you to spend a little extra time and become personal with your customers and contacts on the net. Automation can be great when used correctly but don’t automate yourself right out of business.

Raymond Johnston Jr is the publisher of Money For Hire
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