Thursday, September 19, 2024

Performancing Partners to Launch Network Ads

ProBlogger’s Darren Rowse posted this morning that the Performancing Partners Ad Network will soon be launching non-site-targetted network ads.

Rowse indicates Nick Wilson, in a private email exchange, indicated that there will initially only be 6-10 network ads running. The ads will be run in conjunction with an undisclosed affiliate network.

I for one am happy to see Performancing Partners start this. I joined the program the day after Partners was launched, listed some of my sites, and have been watching the evolution of the network over the last month and a half.

Their growth on the publisher side has been impressive, and rapid. They recieved a lot of attention when they were first launched with posts from a bunch of ‘A-list’ bloggers. Unfortunately, while their growth on the publisher side has been fantastic, the advertisers growth has not been able to keep up. This has resulted in many smaller publishers not recieving any advertiser interest yet. In my own experience, I have had three of my sites listed since the beginning of the program, and have not recieved any inquiries into the ad space.

The inclusion of network ads into their system while allow some utilization on the advertising space of these smaller publishers who have not had any direct purchases. While I doubt this will pay anywhere nearly as good as a direct buy, it will allow advertisers such as myself to finally see some return on the space invested in a Performancing Partners unit.

Update – the information has been posted to the Performancing Partners site.



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