Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Paula Abduls Green Thumb Nails Dirty Salons

Warning: the following information is disgusting. It should not be read by anyone who might have a gastro-reactive episode in response to visual imagery involving graphic descriptions of puss-spewing infections, pop stars or fingernails.

Paula Abdul's Green Thumb Nails Dirty Salons “What I saw fly out of my thumb was a green and yellow thick substance that smelled foul, and then blood, blood, blood,” said Paula Abdul to California Senate Business and Professions Committee.

“TMI,” said the committee.

Paula was describing the gag-inducing flesh-eating bacterial infection she acquired from unsanitary equipment while getting a manicure at a Studio City nail shop in April of 2004. The infection kept Abdul in and out of the hospital care for a year of treatment.

The well-known celebrity judge of the pop-culture phenomenon TV show, “American Idol,” appeared before members of the California legislature to lend support to legislation sponsored by Assemblyman Leland Yee, D-San Francisco.

The new legislation would require the approximately 290,000 California manicurists and cosmetologists to follow statewide sanitation and safety standards. San Jose alone saw 120 people infected by unsanitary equipment in nail shops in 2004.

“As a direct result of the manicurist using non-disinfected, non-sanitized manicuring instruments on my hand, I developed a bacterial infection from two known bacteria,” Abdul said.

“Being a professional dancer, I’m no stranger to pain, but this time the pain was so excruciating that even my hair touching my thumb caused me to scream.”

The bill is expected to pass in committee and continue on to the full Senate within the next two weeks.

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