Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Passwords in XP and Windows Logon UI Error Message

Hi There,

I hope you can help me. Anytime I get a box on my screen asking if I would like Windows to remember the password for whatever I am dealing with and I click yes it never does, whether this is for my e-bay account or anything at all. Also if I am in e-bay and I have typed in a product to search for then surely the next time I type the same thing in the word should be finished for me, but it’s not! I believe that this problem occurred when I downloaded a new connection kit for freeserve last year. I am no longer with freeserve however.

Thank you very much

P. G.


OLEXP: Your Outlook Express Password Is Not Retained in Windows 2000 or XP;en-us;259416

OL2000: (IMO) Your Password Is Not Retained in Windows 2000 or Windows XP

For a trimmed down version:

The above also applies to Internet Explorer and other applications that use the Protected Storage System Provider registry key to store passwords.



I don’t know if you can respond to a request like this, but I see you answered a question recently about the same error message I’m getting upon initial startup of my XP Pro machine “Windows logon UI has encountered a problem and needed to close”. I checked the registry and already have the correct entry you noted at:

HKEY LOCAL MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsNTCurrentVersionWinlogon, add

“logonui.exe” to data value in UIHost

I’ve searched the MS knowledge base and all over the internet without success. If I acknowledge, or send the message to MS about 10 times it seems to go away? What is Windows Logon UI and how does this problem suddenly appear? Do you have any advise or recommendations on where I might find an answer? ? Its driving me crazy to not find any references to this problem

Help me Obi-Wan, you’re my only hope

Thank you for your time,


Hi Bill,

Open Windows Explorer and navigate to C:WindowsSystem32 folder. Locate the file msgina.dll and move it to d: or some other location. [A new copy of this file will be extracted automatically by XP]

See if the problem persists. If yes, open Command Prompt window and type in:


Then, “SFC /Scanow”

Hi Carey,

Wow, I’ve rebooted my computer multiple times now without any trace of the stream of error messages I’ve been getting. Forcing XP to recreate msgina.dll seems to have done the trick. I can’t tell you how impressed I am to get such excellent advise so quickly! You have a new fan and supporter of you website

Thank you very much,


My pleasure. Thanks for letting me know.


Carey Holzman owns and operates Discount Computer Repair (602-527-9723) in Phoenix, Arizona, where he offers repairs, upgrades, custom built PCs and network wiring at highly competitive pricing. His networking tips have appeared in David Strom’s book, The Home Networking Survival Guide (McGraw/Hill), and his own book on PC maintenance is currently available at local book stores, or directly through him. His free informative web site can be found at Donate $30 to help maintain his site and you’ll get a free autographed copy of his book. Carey can be reached directly at

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