Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Only trying to share what I have experienced

Hi Garrett,

I must first thank you for your reply. It is a refreshing change that someone actually replies (from a newsletter) without a standard formatted reply and if they ever reply that is.

>How could we have made it easier to find what you were looking for?

First thing first, are you aware that if you click http://www.peerreviewpro.com/, you will actually get an error message? You should include a default page that directs to the index.shtml or ask your ISP to take that as a default page.

I am a person who do not believe in bringing thousands of visitors to my site and not being able to provide them with what they are looking for. What’s the use of having thousands of visitors when your conversion rate for sales are low, for example?

Most of the articles contributed concentrates on how to bring in the visitors, that is not good enough.

Like your case, you are able to drive traffic through the newsletter, but visitors spend a lot of time trying to hunt for what they want to see.

>What were you looking for?

I notice you are using hard coded html pages for your site. Since you are not using a database to drive the pages, it means more hard work.

For example, I would prefer to see (for the review pages):

A. An index or main page stating something like this:

1. Review By: John Doe, Michigan USA – I believe your site needs more visitors. Also, it needs changes to the graphics…. (cut and paste say first 100 characters of his review) (with link to the full article of course)

2. Review By: Alex Gunn, New York USA – The overall layout of your site needs a re-think…

You may wish to break it down to say 20 per page so that your load speed is quick enough. Add that with directional links (like what you currently have)

B. Add in information like Total Reviews Received, Date of Last Review Received etc., any information which you think a reader would be keen to take note of.

With the above, I can see how many reviews in total were received, and I can scroll to see and select the article I want to see instead of having to scroll through every page. With your existing layout, even a patient reader would probably stop at review 50 (for example), because it would be too tedious for him to scroll through all.

>And you’re right about not having a good place for people to click to send >in their reviews… oops! No wonder we haven’t been getting very many!

Well, at least I see that you have changed “onceatory.com”. 😉 Good for you, quick response! Always bear in mind that if you would like a response, you should allow them the ease of doing so, else people just would not be bothered.

Especially so for web sites and newsletters, like how many do we visit (web sites) and get (newsletter) per day!

>Are you interested in reviewing the inexpensive scrubs site? >I appreciate your feedback.

Only trying to share what I have experienced. Glad you have not taken offense in receiving it. I must say it is something different from people in Asia, trust me. 😉

Of course, I am not trying to tell people I am the best around, but I have learnt many ideas through trial and error through the years.

If you are interested, I have an article written in 1996 – http://www.lots.com.sg/views.htm. The company has closed down, but I still keep the site alive and the article alive due to requests. 😉 The article was printed out by several companies and brought to me even till a few months back. Of course, the Internet has evolved since 1996. Unlike in US and Europe, it is hard to convince Asia companies that web marketing do actually work. And web marketing means much more that search engines and more.

By the way, I have this site http://hotels.online.com.sg. If you have some spare time, please take a look at it and let me know how you feel (no, not necessary to submit for peer review, I am afraid it would overload the server!) and think about the site. I have spent S$0 on advertising the site, and are currently generating over a million dollars annually from the site.

Good to know you, sometimes I wish I am in America. 😉

eddie teo

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