Thursday, September 19, 2024

Online Video Rarely Makes It To The TV

Videos can lose a lot when they’re presented on a small screen.  Try to picture the stunning landscapes in “The Lord of the Rings,” or the gargantuan creature in “The Mist,” on a 17-inch computer monitor, for example.  But that apparently continues to be the way most people watch online content.

Online Video Not So Much On The TV
 Online Video Far From TV

Macrovision “surveyed 2,254 adults in the US during December 2007, and found that 43 percent download some form of digital media from the Internet.  Over a quarter said that they download TV shows regularly, and 15 percent said that they download full-length movies,” according to Jacqui Cheng.

That sounds like a decent start.  “Still, more than half of those surveyed said that they go no further than their monitors to watch that video content,” she continued.

I’m one of them, so this isn’t some I’m-techier-than-you piece.  Instead, I’m leaning in the technology-should-be-cheaper-and-simpler direction.  These stats are also something for content providers to consider, however – time, money, and bandwidth could be saved by cutting corners few people pay attention to.

By the way, if you haven’t watched “The Mist,” I’d recommend doing so.  It’s one of the better Stephen King movies out there, and the mention of an enormous creature shouldn’t be much of a spoiler.

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