Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Online Retailers And Transactional Email

As the number of consumers shopping online continues to grow, more marketers are becoming interested in transactional emails.

Some companies are able to take advantage of transactional emails but there are still a good number that are not fully utilizing the medium.

According to a new report from Silverpop titled “How Top Retailers Use Transactional Emails” 40 percent of online retailers using transactional email respond within a minute.

“Because transactional emails reach customers at a time when they are most likely thinking about the company in a positive light, savvy marketers recognize the power of transactional emails to enhance customer relationships, solidify branding and cross-sell and up-sell additional products,” said Silverpop Vice President of Strategy Elaine O’Gorman.

To analyze the use of transactional emails Silverpop purchased items from the top online retailers as defined by Internet Retailer magazine.

Each email was evaluated for subject branding, personalization, layout elements and promotional content.

The report found that 56 percent of online retailers use some form of personalization while 44 percent do not use any personalization.

Only one in five retailers promoted other products in their transactional emails.

“Far too many companies allow their companies’ IT departments to send static, text-only messages,” O’Gorman said. “When control over transactional messaging resides outside of the marketing function, the emails often lack cross-sell and up-sell promotional content that can boost revenue.”

The study showed that six out of 10 emails were HTML.

The potential for creativity when using HTML allowed marketers to increase return.

“Utilizing HTML formatting that includes essential branding elements is a strong way to enhance customer loyalty and even increase revenue,” said Ms. O’Gorman.

Ms. O’Gorman concluded. “By taking advantage of the high open rates of transactional e-mails and establishing brand loyalty at the time customers are most likely thinking about the company, top online retailers strengthen relationships with customers and drive revenue growth.”

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Mike is a staff writer for Murdok. Visit Murdok for the latest ebusiness news.

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