Thursday, September 19, 2024

Noteworthy Tidbits About Facebook

FacebookThere are a few interesting Facebook-related stories out there at the moment. The first comes from Inside Facebook, where Justin Smith asks “What do I do if someone has already created a Facebook Page for my brand?”

He lists (and elaborates upon) the following options a business has in such a scenario:

– Ask Facebook to transfer control of the Page to you

– Ask the Page owners to transfer control to you

– Ask the Page owner to share control with you

– Ask Facebook to shut the Page down

– Let the Page continue to exist, and start an “official” Page of your own

Personally, I like the last option because its the one least likely to tick off anybody and hurt your online reputation when people go around and start commenting about the situation. Either way, I’d avoid the forceful options. It doesn’t seem logical to put your reputation in jeopardy over something that is promoting your brand in the first place. Certainly there would be exceptions though, and the situation should dictate the appropriate action.

The second bit  is an update on the Official Facebook Blog, about Facebook Governance. It basically just talks about how they’re halfway through the feedback period on Facebook’s new proposed governance documents:

Facebook principles, and
Statement of Rights and Responsibilities

The feedback period comes to a close on March 29, so if you want to get involved in the shaping of this, your time is limited.

Finally, Inside Facebook notes that Facebook has made a couple changes to the application canvas page:

– App favicons are used instead of the Facebook favicon

– The title of the page has changed to “[app name] on Facebook” instead of “Facebook | [application name]”

Have thoughts on any of these items? Discuss them with other Murdok readers.

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