Saturday, October 5, 2024

No Money Promotion that Quadruples Product and Service Sales in Four Months

Better than such offline promotion as press releases, talks, or book reviews? Better than search engine placement, banner ads, ezines and news groups? Yes! The number one way to promote your self and your products is through informational how-to articles that you send to hundreds of opt-in ezines, announcement groups, and Web sites.

Content is still King on the Internet. People want your free information. That is why they go Online. When they see your useful, unique information, they will be more inclined to buy your books or other products.

Where to start?

1. Find an existing article or excerpt.

First, look through your files for information already created, or check out interesting parts of your already written book. Take the excerpts or parts and think of what audience they will help.

2. Target your article to your Web site buyer or other group that will buy Online.

Without a specific audience such as entrepreneurs or small business people, your article may lose cohesiveness and continuity. People loose interest if your article is disorganized.

3. Write a new introduction for your article.

Mention your audience’s main problem. What questions do they need answered? If you don’t give them benefits with how-to’s, valuable resources, or tips, they will delete your message. Be sure to answer their challenges and needs.

4. Write what the ezines want.

Reach 25 opt-in ezines plus reach 500,000 subscribers to Web site ezines daily. Most opt-in ezines, article announcements, and Web sites that use articles from 500-1500 words for new content. They want you to write them with up to 65 characters per line. To be published, what you send out must be useful, interesting, and written is a simple way.

5. Write for your audience.

Some people like conversational articles. Others want it short and sweet, so they can get what they want fast! They like headings so they can scroll to what they want to read fast. They like numbered tips that contain: the command-such as write for your audience. The next line gives a consequence for not following your advice. The third part should be a short how-to. Remember, you have a large online business audience that wants all kinds of free information through articles.

6. Write a new introduction for your article.

An introduction leads to what you are selling. For instance your first line should be an outrageous headline that hooks your reader in. Include your major benefit here, or put a shocking statistic, or analogy Make it one or two lines only. Remember short paragraphs are a must for Online readers.

7. Give the background of the problem.

You need to catch your audience where they are. Mention the problem they have. Perhaps it is procrastination. What are its consequences? Include those. Write how many suffer from this malady too. Include your audience so that they will read on. Next you’ll ask them where they want to be.

8. Write the benefits of your information.

If you don’t give your reader a “reason to buy” they won’t go to your signature box and link back to where your products or services are offered. For instance, the one main benefit to writing Online articles is to quadruple sales within four months. Other benefits include raising your credibility, gaining subscriber and audience trust, and becoming a household name.

9. Add your revised article to the mix with a new conclusion.

Your last two or three lines either review your main points, or add another reason why the information will help. You may also include a consequence of not acting.

10. Finish your article with a signature file at the end that pulls people to buy.

Weak signatures with an undistinguishable email address, long paragraph of qualifications your reader doesn’t care about, and unclear offers will stop your sales immediately. Instead, offer a useful free eBook or eZine that meets their needs. Did I say benefits? Yes! Include a phone number, email, and Web address if you have it.

Yes, it takes a little of your time, but these articles do make a difference in attracting your target audience to whatever it is you want to sell. They are convenient for you and your potential customers. Another way to make it easy for them to buy.

Judy Cullins, 20-year Book and Internet Marketing Coach works with small business people who want to make a difference in people’s lives, build their credibility and clients, and make a consistent life-long income. Author of 10 eBooks including “Write your eBook Fast,” “How to Market your Business on the Internet,” and “Create your Web Site With Marketing Pizzazz,” she offers free help through her 2 monthly ezines, The Book Coach Says…and Business Tip of the Month at and over 145 free articles. Email her at

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