Thursday, September 19, 2024

News Reaches The Register

I love The Register. It always has such a warped view of the world. It covered the Tamarin project announcement yesterday which means that El Reg thinks it’s pretty big news. That’s definitely a good thing.

Unfortunately, their coverage is a little strange… The article starts out just fine, mostly quoting from the press release, but then quickly goes off the rails. When they talk about Flash Player 9, they completely fail to mention the huge performance boost and the all-new Virtual Machine. Then they say “Adobe was compelled to open its Flash source code” to “stay relevant” and that this is all about “compatibility and stability with Firefox”. The author, Gavin Clarke, clearly didn’t read beyond the first couple of paragraphs of the press release that he quoted. Mind you, most of his Register articles focus on Microsoft so perhaps I should cut him some slack…



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Sean is currently Senior Computer Scientist and Team Lead in the
Hosted Services group at Adobe Systems Incorporated. He has worked in
the IT industry for nearly twenty-five years, first in database
systems and compilers (serving eight years on the ANSI C++ Standards
Committee), then in mobile telecoms, and finally in web development.
Sean is a staunch advocate of software standards and best practices,
and is a well-known and respected speaker on these subjects. Sean has
championed and contributed to a number of ColdFusion frameworks, and
is a frequent publisher on his blog,

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