Tuesday, September 17, 2024

New York Times Doesn’t Get the Real Danger of Corporate Blogging

I’m mentioned in a New York Times Article on the dangers of corporate blogging tomorrow.

Link: When the Blogger Blogs, Can the Employer Intervene?

Usual stuff about bloggers who got in trouble with their bosses over something that they wrote on their blogs.

I see the EFF is telling people that they should anonymously blog. Well, if you followed that advice then you’d be called lame by Steve Rubel, like he just called character blogs lame.

But, there’s another danger that you all aren’t recognizing. What’s that? Well, if you blog you might get invited to lunches or dinners with interesting people. Don’t think that’s a danger? Well, watch what happens when you go out drinking with geeks on a Saturday and don’t come home in time.

Yes, the Scobleizer is in the dog house. You heard it here first. I just might be sleeping on the red couch tonight!

And, yes, I already tried flowers. And saying I’m sorry. Chocolate is not an option. And you thought Shelley Powers was tough!

Hey, Maryam, you didn’t put THAT in your blogger policy! Oh, I don’t think that’ll work either.

Was it worth it? Well, hearing Buzz Bruggeman’s stories is always worth it and hanging out with Matt Mullenweg is definitely a lot of fun. But, being in the doghouse is never fun.

Memorable story? A random guy came up to Matt and said “you don’t know me, but I have a WordPress blog and just wanted to say thanks!” Dang, Matt is famous!

Anyway, I have no idea how I’m gonna get Maryam back on my side. It’ll take some real work…

Robert Scoble is the founder of the Scobleizer blog. He works as PodTech.net’s Vice President of Media Development.

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