Wednesday, September 18, 2024

New Froogle Feature Gives Mom Access To Your Christmas Wish List

If you want to make sure you receive the items you need this Christmas, then you need to take advantage of the latest feature at Froogle.

Jason Shellen, Program Manager at Google announced this new Froogle feature today in the Google blog. He states:

“We release a lot of stuff here at Google, but this one I’m particularly excited about. Every year near the holidays my Mom starts asking me to tell her what I would like for Christmas. I’m usually bad at getting her a list, and more than once I’ve received argyle socks, but now I’ll be happy to point her to my Froogle Wish List.

Want one of your own? Just go to Froogle, search for a few things from thousands of online merchants, and click ‘Add to list’ for any item you want to add to your Shopping List. You’ll need to sign in to your Google account or create one if you haven’t already (if you have a Gmail account or Groups 2 login, you already have a Google account). If you want to share items, just click the ‘In Wish List’ checkbox and whammo, you now have a web page of your holiday wish list to share with friends and family. This year maybe I’ll get iPod socks instead of argyle! “

murdok is the CEO of murdok which publishes over 200 websites and email newsletters.

Rich also publishes his blog WebProBlog which focuses on internet business and marketing trends.

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