One of the more popular Twitter web apps, Seesmic Web, allows you to process your Twitter messages in an “email-like interface“… essentially it’s a desktop app for your browser, minus a few bells and whistles. Recently though, they’ve added a few extra bells, they are as follows:
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Inline previews
With Seesmic Web, you can now preivew certain links without leaving your current browser window. (e.g. TwitPic, yFrog, mobypicture… etc.) YouTube and Google videos are also previewable with the new feature.
Hashtag Linking
Click on hashtags within Seesmic Web to automatically search for the tag.
Favorites Section
Much like the real Twitter, Seesmic web has added a favotires section. You can view your favorites by simply clicking the “Favorites” tab located on the left side nav. Here is what they say about it, “Now you’ll be able to see all your favorites as a stand-alone column. Another way of managing your messages and seeing your favorites along with your timeline and searches.”
Some of the other key-features added were: Update your status via hitting the Return button (enter), ability to delete your sent messages, auto-load messages upon scrolling and auto-save your login information.
What do you think of Seesmic Web? Let us know